4 independent channels in 1U NIM module
800 V / 20 µA output range
Channels with individually selectable positive or negative polarity
BNC HV output connectors
Common floating return
Low Ripple
Under/over-voltage alert, overcurrent and max. voltage protection
Interlock logic for board enable and Individual channel kill
500 pA Iset resolution
Graphic color display
Local and Remote control (USB2.0/RS485/RS232)
Daisy-chain capabilty
Optional DC Input Power Equalizer
Software Tools for easy channel management
The Mod. N1408 provides 4 independent High Voltage channels in a single width NIM mechanics. Each channel can provide a ±800V / 20 μA max output.
Channels have common floating return (common return insulated from the crate ground); HV outputs are delivered through BNC HV connectors. The HV output RAMP-UP and RAMP-DOWN rates may be selected independently for each channel in the range 1÷100 V/s in 1 V/s steps.
OVERVOLTAGE and UNDERVOLTAGE warning when the output voltage differs from the programmed value by more than 2% of set value (minimum 1V).
Programmable VMAX protection limit
OVERCURRENT detection: if a channel tries to draw a current larger than its programmed limit, it enters TRIP status, keeping the maximum allowed value for a programmable time (TRIP), before being switched off
Channels can be enabled or disabled individually through the Interlock logic.