• 128/32 Channels, 14-bit @125 MS/s Digitizer
• Open FPGA and Sci-Compiler software for easy firmware development
• Rack or Desktop form factor
• R5560/R5560SE:
◦ 128-channels (diff. or single-ended) rackmount for large experimental installation
◦ readout of large arrays of detectors, especially in neutron detection applications
• DT5560SE: 32-Channels Desktop form factor for lab development and testing
• Maximum readout flexibility: USB3.0, Ethernet and Optical Link
• Fully supported by SCI-Compiler for easy-FPGA programming
CAEN recently opened the doors of its R&D to the open FPGA technology, which is becoming more and more widely used and required. In addition, we decided to invest many resources in order to make this technology accessible to everyone. These efforts result in the brand new x5560 Programmable Digitizer family and the SCI-Compiler software for easy-programming of the open FPGA.
The x5560 is a 128/32 Channels 14-bit 125 MS/s Open FPGA Digitizer Family, designed to attain programmable data processing capabilities. The x5560 family is suited for experienced and newbies users thanks to SCI-Compiler user-friendly software, that simplifies firmware coding with a block-based visual programming language.
The x5560 Digitizer Family was born as a solution for large experimental setups for neutron detection with 3He tubes, but thanks to its flexibility, it is suitable for the readout of a wide range of detectors (PMTs, Gas Tubes, Segmented HPGe, ….)