The MA-600HBF is an continuous microwave moisture analyser that is custom designed for accurate analysis of filter cake moisture on a horizontal belt filter. The MA-600HBF standard configuration employs three (3) sensors – one located 1 metre from each side of the filter bed and 1 in the centre. Real time moisture results from the MA-600HBF is typically used to control the vacuum pressure or belt speed, the objective of which is to ensure that the moisture of the filter cake is maintained within set point limits.
Callidan Instruments is the only company who manufactures a purpose-built online microwave moisture analyser for horizontal belt filters.
The MA-600HBF is suitable for use on most metallic and non metallic mineral concentrates. Typical uses for the MA-600HBF include:
• real time moisture analysis of Copper concentrate
• continuous moisture determination of Coal filter cake
• online microwave moisture analysis of Iron ore concentrate
• real time moisture analysis of Lead and Zinc concentrate
• continuous moisture calculation of Nickel concentrate