• Alpha, beta and gamma surface contamination measurement
• Geiger Mueller detector with a 15 cm² and 2.0 mg/cm² end window
• Units available: cps, CPM, Bq, Bq/cm², DPM, DPM/100 cm²
• Compliant with IEC 60325 and ANSI N42.17A
• Belongs to CSP™ Family
• Efficiency over 2Π
- 14C: 17%
- 90Sr + 90Y: 51%
- 60Co: 31%
- 241Am: 35%
The SABG-15+ probe is designed for the measurement of surface contamination. Its good sensitivity makes it ideal to detect alpha, beta and gamma emitters for initial survey applications.
The SABG-15+ unit is part of the CANBERRA™ SMART Probe (CSP) family. As part of the CSP Family it is compatible with all CSP survey meters.
The SABG-15+ device includes all key components of hardware circuitry (high voltage power supply, amplifier, discriminator, etc.). Also, the intelligence associated with controlling those components is located in the probe – that is control and storage of key parameters, settings, calibrations, probe ID, alarm settings (10 values for each unit to display with default setting), etc. Thus, the probe is a fully-integrated subsystem communicating the measurement to the instrument.
With high voltage and acquisition of the data occurring in the probe rather than the instrument, measurement quality is no longer dependent on external device quality (cable, host instrument). Moreover, a CSP unit is using a serial protocol to communicate with the host that can be an instrument or a PC.
Calibration and QA measurements can be performed directly with the probe, without even using an instrument, by connecting the probe to a computer with the CANBERRA Smart Probe Software (CSPS™), allowing your instruments to remain deployed in the field.