Breakdown torque ratio [ 3
Winding connection ∆
Starting current ratio [ 1
Frequency [Hz] 60
Efficiency at 1/4 of full load [ 85.9
Efficiency at 2/4 of full load [ 91.3
Rated output [HP] 25
Efficiency at 3/4 of full load [ 92.4
Service factor [ 1.2
Efficiency at rated (full) load [ 92.4
Duty continuous
Efficiency at 5/4 of full load [ 91.9
Power factor at 1/4 of full load [ 0.54
Power factor at 2/4 of full load [ 0.74
Power factor at 3/4 of full load [ 0.82
Power factor at rated (full) load [ 0.86
Starting torque ratio [ 3.5
Power factor at 5/4 of full load [ 0.87
Starting current [A] 29.5
Rated torque [Lb-Ft] 36.9