The 5100 series amplifiers are repairable, the processors are not repairable - please contact the factory for options
The digital 5000 Series modular non-contact capacitive displacement instrumentation packages are the next generation to the 4000 series. Introduced in 2005, they provide the latest state-of-the-art electronics and offer significant added value to users such as:
• On-board digital linearization (linearity to ±0.1% of full scale)
• Pushbutton calibration - no potentiometers
• Variable frequency excitation switch
• Improved performance and stability with high temperature and long cable length probes
The 2U Euro modular form factor boards have appeal for small portable packaging as well as high (but lightweight) density applications. When coupled with Capacitec® non-contact displacement probes, they produce a linear output voltage proportional to the gap spacing between the probe and a ground plane. The systems are designed to produce stable and reliable operation with excellent gain and zero shift stability with respect to changes in ambient temperature. Stability is achieved with a digitally derived sine-wave oscillator, having a crystal clock as the frequency reference.