Our anchorage connectors are built from top quality materials guaranteeing high-strength and durability to stand up to the toughest environments. Anchorage connectors are the unsung heroes of most fall protection systems, often overlooked but critical components because they securely attach your system to the anchorage. Your choice of anchor depends on the type of work being done. Anchorages are sold by what they connect to (general/ all purpose, steel, concrete, roof or specialist), whether they are fixed or mobile, and whether they are permanent or portable. They all must provide a secure point of attachment for a complete personal fall arrest system, and must be capable of supporting a load of 5,000kN (22lbs.) or of meeting OSHAs criteria of a 2-to-1 safety factor.
Installs to flat or up to 5 degree sloped roofs
Free-standing system is approved for use on concrete, single ply and bitumen membrane, asphalt sanded and stone chippings for added job-site flexibility.
Built-in shock absorbing system for added safety
Energy absorbing design protects the worker and the structure in the event of a fall, limiting fall arrest forces to safe levels.
Compatible with various fall arrest connecting systems
Ideal for use with a shock absorbing lanyard, self- retracting lifeline or rope grab system for added versatility.