At the heart of every efficient powder coating system is an MS Powder Kitchen. The MS PKV24 Powder Kitchen can be used to supply and control any multiple colour change system and features fully automated powder supply from the material suppliers’ original packaging, as well as supply monitoring, integrated screening and automatic cleaning.
The easy-clean powder pump within the PKV24 transports powder into the powder feed unit. The integrated MS Ultrasonic sieve system screens the material guaranteeing that clump free powder, with-out contamination, is supplied to the spray both.
An integrated load cell located within the vibrating table monitors the powder container weight and gives an alarm if the powder supply falls below 2Kg.
Automatic cleaning of the powder container, powder injectors, powder hoses and powder spray guns allows for fast color change. An integrated exhaust fan reduces the chance for powder escape keeping the work area clean.
The whole system is controlled by a user friendly touch screen PLC control panel on the front of the Kitchen. Powder-reclaim or spray-to-waste modes are simply selected from the touch screen panel.
Powder feed from industry standard powder containers (from 20 to 100 kg)
Touch screen central PLC control panel
Fully automated powder supply with monitored fresh powder
Powder dosing and powder weighing system
Automated cleaning of injectors, powder hoses and powder spray guns
System ensure optimum amount of powder in circulation ensuring efficient
powder usage
Can be retrofitted to existing systems
Equipped with MS ultrasonic sieve system and Integrated vacuum cleaning system