The oil acidity content is an important parameter to check because it determines the refrigerating installation’s good operating condition.
The internal chemical processes can alter the oil quality and generate the formation of acids and sludge harmful for the installation.
These acids then generate metallic salts and oxides (iron or copper) that could block the oil filter or lead to the copper plating of metallic parts in motion. These degradation phenomena are dangerous for the installation, because they lead to seizing of oil pumps and to severe damage due to lubrication defect.
TESTOILs are ready for use products, usable on site.
TESTOIL-MAS is compatible with no additive mineral, alkylbenzene and polyvinylether oils.
TESTOIL-POE is compatible with additive polyol-ester oils.
TESTOIL-3P-CO2 is compatible with the oils used in CO2 installations (POE, PAG, PAO…).
The measurement process is simple, quick and efficient.