For a secure grip of any object or component to handle.
Hooks are used for lifting heavy loads in order to ensure a secure grip of any object or component to handle.
They are called gripping tools because they need to grip the load to handle.
They are usually positioned at the end of cables and chains. In particular, they are used for lifting and handling coils.
The maximun load must be indicated on the hook itself and it must be near to the maximun load of the lifting equipment used.
Underhooks are, in the construction or industry sector, all the accessories like chains, cables, etc. used to implement the hook in particular lifting operations. These accessories are used on constructions cranes or on industrial cranes. Since March 6th 2010 all the lifting accessories are considered as the machines, for this reason they are subject to quarterly inspections.
Lifting beams are pieces of equipment used to lift loads whose handling would be too difficult using only cables and chains. They garantee stability and balance when lifting even very heavy loads.
Casella Manut.Service offers this maintenance service on equipment of our own manufacture and others.
Casella Manut.Service Srl, in order to ensure maximun safety, periodically train their employees with certified classes and offers a service that is compliant with “la Nuova direttiva macchine” and the D.Lgs 81/2008.