The summation current transformers sums up the instantaneous values of diffrent currents in a network, providing a proportional alternating current.
Main transformers - until 4
Dimensions - 115 x 45 x 73 mm
Burden - 15 VA
The summation current transformers SSR-2 to SSR-9 sums up the instantaneous values of diffrent currents in a network, providing a proportional alternating current. In order to that, several measuring transformers (main transformers) are used, one for each current, with their secondary windings connected to the primary windings of the summation transformer. All the primary windings of the summation current transformer must be connected to the same phase. If any of the primary windings of the SSR are not to be used, they must be left open. The standard execution is prepared for main transformers of the same transformation ratio. Otherwise, please indicate their ratios in your order.