Shunts are indispensable accesories for measuring current in DC installations, specially for high amperages. They provide a voltage drop (mV) proportional
to the current, which is easily measurable by means of moving-coil ammeters (types PQ y PAQ). They can also be connected to wattmeters (type DQ../1w)
and other measuring or protection devices.
Standard voltages drops are 60 mV and 150 mV. Shunts of 150 mV are recommended when the voltage drop across the potential leads is high, due to their
length and/or the high consumption of the instrument.
The best performance is guaranteed if the following points are observed:
1. The full connecting area must be in contact with the busbars. For high currents use bras on both faces of the end blocks.
2. Contact surfaces must be clean and if possible with a thin coat of vaseline.
3. Bolts and nuts must be fully tightened.
4. Try to get a good ventilation.
5. Shunts can be mounted horizontally or vertically. Horizontal mounting allows a batter heat dissipation.
Shunts are composed of manganin resistance elementsof high accuracy. When the current passes throught them, produces a proportional voltage drop. The
low temperature coefficient of the manganin (0,002%K) guarantees a steady voltage drop
• Accuracy class 0.5 / Special executions: 0.2 on request.
• Shunts of 1…25 A ranges (and on request, 60mV 40…150 A) are fixed on an isolating base.
• The isolating base is adapted to be assembled on a 35 mm DIN rail.