At Sacema we manufacture a wide range of scrubber brushes, ideal for various applications such as cleaning warehouses, shopping centres, streets, parks, car parks and industries, among others.
There is a wide variety of scrubbing and polishing machines on the market. Most brands, such as Adiatek, Alto Clarke, Cleanfix, Columbus, Comac, C.T.M., Dulevo, Fimap, Fiorentini, Floor Ipc, Ipc, Gansow, Ghibli, Hako, Hefter, Isal, Hoover, Karcher, Lavorwash, Niclo, Niflisk-Advance, Nobles, Numatic, Omm, Power Boss, R.C.M., Sorma, Taski, Tennant, Tsm, Wetrok, Windsor, Wirbel and many more, offer numerous models, Sorma, Taski, Tennant, Tsm, Wetrok, Windsor, Wirbel and many more, offer numerous models and types of Scrubber Brushes, along with a wide range of accessories.
As with brushes in other sectors, scrubbing brushes vary according to the specific application and use of each machine, the type of surface to be cleaned and the nature of the dirt.
Some scrubbing machines incorporate central cylindrical brushes (rollers with shorter length fibres than those used in sweepers), in addition to the disc brushes