With no limitations or restrictions on design, we were able to create a standalone testing oven that could be moved easily from location to location whenever needed.
Using a solid frame built from AISI 304 stainless steel, the heating system is designed and built featuring an adjustable top heat platen and mesh test tray with a fixed bottom heat platen. With dimensions of 530 x 530mm (21 x 21”), both upper and lower platens are fitted with polished 0.75mm aluminium clad steel reflectors. Each platen features Ceramicx hollow ceramic elements with quick-connect plugs used to connect power and the thermocouples inside each panel.
Once assembled at the ContiTech premises in Hungary, the oven underwent a thorough, six-hour testing period with Szinimpex owner, Szinisa Kovács and Contitech Development Engineer, Szűcs László. Using 14 different sized products and key components of plastic and textile cloth wrapping, each test was recorded for optimal oven temperature and distance ranges as well as precision timing.
Overall, each test resulted in a positive outcome and proved especially successful in tests for smaller products using plastic contraction tubes and textile-based materials. Additional testing is ongoing for larger products which use the oven’s internal mounting supports, though these are minor with the main testing still proving successful.