Solid-liquid extractor Giubileo
for the food industry

solid-liquid extractor
solid-liquid extractor
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for the food industry


Versatile cold extraction and/or hot refining unit, meticulously designed for optimal performance in processing a variety of fruits (with or without stones) and vegetables. Benefits Rubber-free technology 100% food compliant and eco-friendly thanks to the rubber-free destoning system which ensures product purity. Constant output and minimum waste Achieving high yields with minimal waste (96% of finished product from apples with just 4% waste). Superior product quality Prevents oxidation and preserves pure taste and color by removing peels, seeds and stems. Customizable fine settings The innovative paddle pitch inclination adjustment parameter allows fine-tuning of the machine Features •Versatile processing capability to handle different fruits and vegetables •Precision in residence time ensures optimal processing conditions •Pomace humidity reduction •Years of expertise reflecting a commitment to excellence and reliability •Available also in a compact version



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*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.