Intermediate flash cure unit for screen printed fabrics
Curing Area: 420x450 mm
The heating is carried out by “pulsar” type infra-red lamps which provide excellent results, ensure low consumption and long life.
The specular reflectors are parabola shaped to distribute the heat evenly.
Each lamp has a luminous switch in order to switch on only the lights required.
The switching on time can be easily changed by means of a knob.
Height adjustment is accurate and easy, thanks to a screw device. The slots on the radiator fixing screws can be used to align the lamps perfectly with the work surface.
Two fans provide ventilation of the components and contribute to drying of the inks.
The lamps are switched on by means of electronic components, without noise and wear.
Two trolley wheels are fitted with brakes.
The Spot Easy radiator is a high quality product designed for drying screen printed inks on fabrics to allow overprinting.
Excellent drying. Thanks to the use of 9 medium wave Tungsten lamps and reflectors with optimized design, the inks dry fast and perfectly.
Easy to use.
Minimised risk of damaging fabrics, thanks to the type of lamp used, which heats both light and dark inks indifferently.
Accurate easy adjustment.