PMC006B4 is a kind of miniature integrated stepper motor microstepping controller, which can be directly installed in the rear of 42/57 etc series stepper motor. The series controller is controlled by RS485 bus. It is easy to achieve industrial control network of as many as 120 nodes by using PMC006B4 controller, which would have excellent noise suppression and excellent motion smoothness. PMC006B4 provides a simple and rich set of control commands, which not only greatly simplifies the complexity of the upper layer control system, but also maximally reserves flexibility of control, and is especially suitable for various industrial applications that require low vibration, high precision and wide voltage range.
Host -
Support motor -
2-phase stepper motor
The development environment -
VC C# Labviwe VB Linux Python
The power supply voltage -
DC 9-36V
Microstepping -
0/256 adjustable
Temperature -
Maximum pulse frequency -
Durability -
Over 20,000 hours
The input
IO function -
Emergency stop input, brake control, digital input/output, analog input, factory reset, 5V output
The input specifications -
Digital input voltage: 0-5v
Analog speed regulation input voltage: 0-5v
Emergency stop input voltage: 0-5v
Common ports: 10