All the Cidiesse conveyor belts are designed and realized for the transportation of the most various products (bulk products): loose, granular and powder products and for different industrial fields like food, dairycheese, chemical, pharmaceutical, etc. in order to satisfy as best every Customer’s need.
They can be supply in different constructing typologies: horizontal, vertical, inclined, swan neck pattern etc. with the adapt dimensions for satisfying the material handling in the demand capacity.
The dimensions, that is width, length, inclination of the belts are realized on specific Customer’s necessity.
They boast qualities of ruggedness, modularity and adaptability as specific handling and sanitary needed in compliance with all the law dispositions in food subject.
The belts, according to the product to convey, can be realized with fillets, containment edgings, guides for the centering; the belts satisfy the requirements indicate in the F.D.A. regulations (Food and Drug Administration) as for the modular conveyor belts.
Technical characteristics of our conveyor belts:
» Load bearing structure completely built with stainless steel AISI 304 press-bent sheets
» Belts in poliurethane or PVC, in alternative, rubber or stainless steel modular belts, all with F.D.A. certificate
» Rightly shaped converings in Methacrylate, removable for a easier and speeder cleaning
» Lower collecting trays with "fast-device" for removing and cleaning
» Power and speedy defined according to the capacity required
» Stainless steel AISI 304 load hopper
» Stainless steel AISI 304 discharge hopper
» Anti vibrating supports in stainless steel AISI 304