Our micro-separators type MS are suitable to extract the finest fraction from dry powders, however produced.
In particular, they are designed to obtain classified powders with d98-99 in the range 10÷40 micron, usually not possible with classic self ventilated air classifiers.
• Easy adjustment of product fineness.
• Constant granulometry of the fine fraction, even when the feed material is not constant for rate and granulometry.
• Minimum maintenance.
Two products are always obtained from micro-separators type MS:
A) The finest fraction, with granulometry lower than 10÷80 micron according to the adopted regulation
B) The coarsest fraction with a low content of finest particles
Una parte della polvere fine, in percentuale variabile a seconda della specifica applicazione e regolazione, resta frammista alla frazione residua.
The residual fraction B can be:
• Used for applications requiring coarser fineness
• Sent again to the micro-separator for a complete extraction of the fine product A
• Ground again with suitable mills
In the classifying zone, particles are subject to 2 opposite forces:
• the CENTRIFUGAL FORCE of a rotating classifying wheel, that throws the particles towards the outside walls of the machine with an effect a proportional to their mass and definitively to their dimension
• the DRAGGING FORCE of the air stream, that draws the finest particles through the special vanes of the steel rotor
The CENTRIFUGAL FORCE is controlled by changing the rotor speed while the DRAGGING FORCE can be varied by changing the speed of the air stream.
With suitable adjustment of these 2 forces, the requested cut size is obtained.