For a « step-down » autotransformer, the high voltage is applied to the complete winding, and the low voltage is obtained between an ending point of the winding and an intermediate tap. Unlike isolating transformers, these products do not have galvanic separation between the primary and secondary windings. Therefore, they do not provide isolation. However, they are a cheaper solution than isolating transformers if the application is only a change of voltage. Each product of the range is available with or without housing, with or without options, and can be reversible on request. Circé is also commited to provide a compact and competitive product, with an optimisation of the weight and size of the autotransformer. As with all our products, each transformer is individually tested and each batch is delivered with its control report.
Three types of connection exist depending on the power rating of the product :
- screws,
- spring terminals,
- screw terminals.
Standard technical features
- Power rating: from 0.16 to 25 kVA
- Lifting rings from 15 kg
- Temperature class H (45° environment)
- Available without housing, with IP23 housing or other on request
- Altitude: up to 1,000m
- Isolation voltage between primary winding and earth: 3,000V