The PV-Monitor is an energy manager used to monitor instantaneous selfconsumption photovoltaic energy installations. It features a datalogger and web server with PowerStudio Embedded and a SCADA application for this purpose.
This unit provides real-time information about the photovoltaic energy production levels, energy savings and the consumption of a building, home, office, etc., as well as storing historical data to perform periodic analyses.
In addition, the following accessories can be installed with the PVMonitor-M: a surface temperature sensor (photovoltaic modules), a solar radiation sensor and an ambient temperature sensor. These accessories can be used to calculate the installation's efficiency.
The PV-Monitor offers the following advantages:
- Detection of low performance of the PV installation (performance rate)
- Instantaneous energy balance of consumption compared to PV energy generation
- Calculation of the current month's self-consumption percentage (solar fraction)
- General alarms of the PV installation warn about anomalous operation (email alerts)
- Reduction of energy consumed from the electrical network
- Reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.