The ETG 6900 TDLS NH3 analyzer uses enhanced TDLS (Tunable Diode Laser Spectrometry) technology for NH3 detection, with a narrow bandwidth (0.1 nm) laser beam that scans the absorption band of the target gas, providing a high-resolution near infrared absorption measurement.
Ammonia plays a fundamental role in radiation balance and atmospheric chemistry. TheETG 6900 TDL NH3 is able to reliably measure NH3 at low concentrations (up to 500 ppm) as well as H2O (Moisture by Volume) up to 30% without the need for frequent recalibration. This analyzer is therefore ideal for NH3 air emission monitoring studies in industry and for many applications(incinerator, cement plant, power plant, steel industry...etc). It is also ideal for environmental studies, agricultural studies or applications in remote locations, e.g. in environmental research.
CleanAir Europe also offers the analyzer ETG 6900 TDL HCl analyzer with the same technology for continuous HCl measurements.
Ammonia (NH3) extraction gas analyzer with adjustable diode laser
Hot and humid sample
19″ rack mount
Minimum standard range 0-20 / 50/100 / 500ppm
Maximum standard range 0-500 ppm
Detection limit 0.2 ppm
Signal output 4-20 mA, Modbus, Profinet