Octopus Dryer Hot Air Blaster is mostly preferred by car detailing and car washing companies that industrial washing machine. After detailed seat washing Cleanvac Octopus Dryer wet seats makes dry in short time. Cleanvac Octopus Dry is using in car detailing centers besides carpet washing facilities, factory worksites, workplaces, gyms, mosques, greenhouses and farms for industrial heating with drying machine.
Cleanvac SUN 68 Octopus Dry is producing by expert and experienced engineers. It blasts the true level of hot air and don’t damage to seats.
Advantages of SUN 68:
Stainless, resist to eroding rotation body
Hot air transfer from four ways
Thermostat heat adjust
Adjustable blow period
Portable, suitable for mobile use
Fixable body
2 year warranty
Abundant and easy to procure spare parts
Extensive after sale service