Steam or hot water applications
Saves fuel by preheating feedwater
Boilers up to 250 HP
Accomodates all boiler design pressures
Accomodates heavy oil fuel
The CCE Cylindrical Economizer can be utilized on boilers up to 250 HP for boiler feedwater, makeup water heating, hot water boilers, and potable and process water application.
Cylindrical model
Compact and lightweight
High energy recovery
Hinged, stainless steel access doors
Stainless steel, internal exhaust gas bypass
Flexibility allows specific engineering requirements to be met, such as fin spacing for fouling conditions and low gas pressure drops. The internal gas bypass can be used to temper the exiting gas for stack corrosion control or to maintain water temperature when too much heat is available. The large number of standard models provide height and diameter combinations that work in applications with space constraints, while still achieving maximum heat recovery.