Probe Sb0I has been developed for pH measurement in specific applications where a standard glass pH electrode would not be suitable, for example in fluids containing abrasive or fouling substances and in processes with high concentration of hydrofluoric or phosphoric acid.
The probe is made of AISI 316 SS with PSU electrodes support and includes flanges for direct in line intallation, with different pipe sections.
The electrodes are inserted into the probe body through manual valves that allow electrodes extraction without the need to empty the line. A dual interlock system allows to operate electrodes extraction in safety conditions.
The probe mounts the reference group and the measuring group on the upper side of the flanged pipe. The KCl reservoir can be pressurized and includes the liquid junction with synthetic diaphragm, the reference electrode, the connection for optional pressure gauge and pressurizing valve. The measuring group includes the annular antimony electrode, the brush and the motor for brush (pneumatic or electric) and the terminal board for the connection of the system to the electronic unit, all included in an IP65 housing.
Process connections are flanged, UNI or ANSI standard.
The probe can withstand temperatures up to 140°C (150°C for short periods) and pressures up to 3 bar.