Hollow conductivity sensors for industrial applications, suitable for direct installation in pipelines. These cells have PVDF body and graphite electrodes and are available with two cell constants.
401C2x0C0Y0x K = 0.1 cm (measuring range 0-200 mS)
401C1x0C0Y0x K = 0.01cm (measuring range 0-2000 mS)
The cells include an integral temperature sensor, Pt100 or other according to selected order code for measurement thermocompensation and temperature indication.
Process connection is threaded, ¼' F.
The cells are designed to be directly inserted into pressurized pipelines and can withstand temperatures up to 110 °C and pressures up to 6 bar @ 20°C (atmospheric pressure at 110°C) (according to selected electrodes insulation)
The 4 poles connector for the cable is integral to the cell. The cable is separately supplied.
Operating temperature limits according to electrodes insulating material: -20-110 °C (PVDF); -20-120 °C (PTFE and PSU); 0- 70°C (PP); 0- 50°C (PVC)
Operating pressure limits: max 6 bar @ 20 °C, atmospheric @ 110 °C