Conductivity cells with glass fiber filled PP (PP 30% GF) (PVDF or PTFE on request) body and graphite (401R) or Satinless Steel (401T) electrodes.
These cells are available with K = 1 cm, K = 5 cm, K = 10 cm cell constant corresponding to the following measuring ranges:
Mod.401R cell, with Graphite electrodes:
K = 1 cm measuring range: 0-50000 uS
K = 5 cm measuring range: 2-200 uS
K = 10 cm cmeasuring range: 2-200 uS
Mod.401T with Stainless Steel electrodes:
K = 1 cm measuring range: 0-2000 uS
K = 5 cm measuring range: 2-200 uS
K = 10 cm measuring range: 2-200 uS
These cells can be supplied c/w integral temperature sensor Pt100 or Pt1000 for measure thermo compensation.
These cells have a very simple design that makes quite easy to install them; their body is threaded 1/2” G for direct installation into closed pipelines and tanks, even pressurized.
Operation temperature limits: 5-100°C
Operation pressure limits: 10 Bar @ 100°C