Potentiostatic cell for the measure of dissolved oxygen, PVDF and SS body, 32 mm diameter.
The measuring system is composed of 2 electrodes (Pt and Ag) immersed into an electrolyte solution and separated from process fluid by a PTFE membrane permeable to oxygen.
An integral temperature sensor allows thermocompensation of the measure and sample temperature indication.
This cell is compact and sturdy and is suitable for hard applications where it shows very low maintenance requirements.
The 332I sensor can be installed into an immersion fitting (Mod.SI0E or SI0F) and on a float (Mod.SIGAL) for the installation in variable level basins.
The immersion fitting Mod.SI0F includes the sensor chemical cleaning system.
Measuring range: 0-20 ppm O2; minimun sample flowrate required for correct measure is 0,5 cm/sec.
This cell can be used to measure oxygen in air.
Typical application for this cell:
Dissolved Oxygen measure in watewater treatment plant WWTP, mainly for Dissolved Oxygen control in activated sludges, aeration control in aeration basins (biological treatment); analysis of oxygen in drinking water plants; measure and control of dissolved oxygen fish culture (fish growing ponds); aquaculture.