The push-in fittings of the MB line are made of a Technopolymer belonging to the Acetal Resins Family (POM) also well known for the dimensional stability offered, stiffness, fatigue and corrosion resistance.
Our automatic MB fittings are made of a polymer belonging to the acetal resins. The technical features of this polymer make this fitting line stiff, corrosion and fatigue resistent, and allow for dimensional stability, all characteristics necessary to bridge the gap between metal fittings and an ordinary plastic fitting line.
The functioning principle of the MB is the same as our Push-in’s therefore enabling quick, manual connection and disconnection with calibrated hoses at any stage of the pneumatic circuit. The inner Oring and the stainless steel grip allow for the tube to be held captive and for the pneumatic tightness. When the tube is pushed to the bottom of the fitting, the stainless steel collet grips onto it and the tube is held captive. It is then enough to press on the release ring to set the tube free from the fitting.
Technopolymer Push-in Fittings
The push-in fittings of the MB line are made of a Technopolymer belonging to the Acetal Resins Family (POM) also well known for the dimensional stability offered, stiffness, fatigue and corrosion resistance. These features can bridge the gap between metal and the traditional plastic materials.