We offer a wide range of pre-bored (machinable) pulleys to suit different needs, such as aluminum and cast-iron trapezoidal pulleys, poly-v pulleys, poly Chain GT pulleys and aluminum toothed pulleys. In addition to ready-to-use versions, we offer a custom machining service to meet your specific requirements. You can have your pulleys pre-bored, keyed and machined to your specifications, ensuring perfect adaptation to your application. Our machining service guarantees optimum precision and quality to meet your pulley needs.
Conditions of use :
✔️ Pulleys must be used within the temperature ranges specified by the manufacturer.
✔️ Pulleys must be correctly aligned to avoid excessive stress and belt distortion.
✔️ Pulleys must be compatible with the belts used, whether V-belts, synchronous timing belts or other types.
✔️ Pulleys require adequate lubrication to reduce friction and wear.
✔️ Pulleys must be used within the temperature ranges specified by the manufacturer.
Application fields :
-Automotive industry
-Manufacturing industry
-Marine industry
-Construction industry
-Food industry