Our biggest High-Z router for additional speed and increased accuracy with a big machining area.
The type 1400/T-105 of the popular High-Z series has some extra work space compared to the High-Z 1400/T for machining big-sized workpieces. Having 16mm ball screw spindles and additional HWIN linear guidings on the X-axis the CNC router is the perfect choice for special applications in many business areas and industrial sectors. Buy a CNC machine which has proved itself in the shift work as well.
After the development of the High-Z series with trapezoidal screws, we were facing the challenge to bring an even faster CNC and more precise CNC router to the market to match the demands in business and industry. Low tolerances in the production and longevity are fundamental features of the High-Z routers with ball screw drives.
Der CNC-STEP Bestseller schlechthin: Die High-Z CNC Einheit der T-Serie für Ihre gewerblichen & industriellen Anwendungen mit 16mm Kugelrollspindeln und zusätzlichen Linearführungen der Firma HIWIN auf der X-Achse. Verwendbar überall dort, wo noch mehr Bearbeitungsfläche, Wiederhol-Genauigkeit (o,o1mm) und High-Speed bei der Fertigung gefragt ist.