An unbeatable low-cost, high-performance scanning system
A 3D scan with the EinScan SE produces large amounts of data. For fluent data processing, the desktop PC requires appropriate computing power.
System requirements according to manufacturer:
Operating system: Windows 7, 8 or 10 (64 bit)
Processor: Intel Dual Core i5 processor or higher
Graphics card: min. Nvidia 1GB or graphics card with comparable performance
Memory: 8 G or more
The light source emits white light through LED lights, which is not harmful to the human eye.
First spray transparent, dark and reflective objects with scanning powder before scanning.
Why apply scanning powder to the object during structured light scanning?
With strutured light scanning, a well-visible white light pattern is crucial for the most detailed data acquisition possible. The color and type of material of the part to be scanned has a significant impact on the quality of the output graphics file.
The high reflectivity of a part complicates the detailed capture of the contours.
Black or dark bodies absorb the white light of the scanner. This eliminates the contrast necessary for detailed capture and processing of the contours.
EinScan SE and CNC milling machine as CNC-3D-printer
The copying of your desired object is now fast, detailed and at low-cost with the 3D scanner Einscan SE and the High-Z router. Scan your desired object in a simple way and receive a digital milling file in a suitable format for the CAD CAM program Construcam-3D. Simply upload the STL file and you’re ready to start milling.