Dustroid is an Online Particulate Monitoring system to measure
the concentration of dust particles in the ambient air.
Dustroid is an Online Particulate Monitoring system to measure the concentration of dust particles in the ambient air. It is capable of monitoring various particulate size ranging from 1 micron to 100 microns such as Ultrafine Suspended Particulate Matter (UFPM), Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), Respiratory Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM) and Total Suspended Particulates (TSP). It works on Active Sampling method to count particulate matters using a highly accurate laser beam.
Features & Benefits
Patented Technology: Innovative e-breathing technology.
Plug and play design for ease of implementation.
Light-weight and compact system.
Ultimate durability and weather resistant.
On-device calibration and Real-time data.
Over-The-Air Update.