Mixing thermoregulating actuator with electronics onboard
Semiconductor temperature sensor
3-way BRASS ball valve, MMM with caps and tangs PN16 or FFF vertical/horizontal, full bore
Thermoregulating/mixing motorized valves such as Diamix anc Compamix can be use to:
• - mix hot and cold fluids
• - température régulation in thermal exchange Systems
• - Systems at high and low température
• - anti-condensation for solid-fuelled boilers
• - civil and industrial general applications
Diamix and Compamix thermoregulating/mixing motorized valves operate thanks to a built-in electronics which allows the direct programming of the servocontrol.
They are mainly used when it is necessary to maintain a fluid at a constant température raging from -15 and +85°C. regardless of the inlet and outlet température when water is required.
The desired température is directly set on the mixer by a push-button panel and the relevant values are shown on the display with an accuracy of ±1 °C.
According to the signal recerved from the température sensor. the microprocessor sends a modulating signal which régulâtes the valve opening and closing.
Note: for a proper operation, there should always be a closcd hydraullc circuit ensurlng a flow on the mlxlng valve by means of a clrculator.