Actuator with programming clock on-board
For all application in which the valve manoeuvring must be at intervals or scheduled times
DIAMANT 11Nm with COMPARATO connection or ISO 5211 conncection and COMPACT 22 Nm with ISO 5211 connection
Diamant crono and COWxFûCT crono actuators are controlled by a microprocessor which allows to intercept or deviate the fluid according to the set time.
Thanks to its built-in digital display it is possible to enter up to 7 time intervals at which the bail of the valve body can be placed in a reverse position compared to the default one (programmable).
Therefore, at a given time, the actuator opens or closes the valve: otherwise. it is possible to make it deviate the fluid flow from one way to another, if it is used with a three-way valve.
Diamant crono and COW\PÛCT crono are available in the ’Day" version, which allows to programme the 7 intervals over one day. and in the "Week" version, in which the 7 intervals can be programmed over one week with one daily operation.
CRONO actuators can be paired with ail the bail valves described in the Diamant 2000. Diamant PRO and