DeviceMaster ® PNIO-2402The DeviceMaster PNIO brings plant floor device visibility by enabling communication between factory floor devices and PLC controllers.
Product Name Change NotificationPart Number: 99544-9
The DeviceMaster PNIO provides the following communication modes:
EtherNet/IP™ to Serial or Ethernet TCP/IP
PROFINET IO to Serial or Ethernet TCP/IP
Modbus/TCP to Serial or Ethernet TCP/IP
Modbus/TCP to Modbus/RTU
Modbus/TCP to raw serial data
Modbus/RTU Device (Auto Locate and Auto Route)
TCP/IP Socket Communication
The easy-to-use configuration and Industrial Ethernet protocol options makes upgrades for plant floor global visibility faster and more economical than ever before. The DeviceMaster PNIO enables managers to leverage legacy devices and boost ROI, while reducing PLC programming and maintenance costs with simplified PLC interfaces.
DIN-rail mounting and screw terminal connections
Wide operating temperature ranges (-37º C to 74º C)
Surge protection for serial ports
Variable power input
Support for PROFINET I/O, Modbus/TCP, and TCP/IP(sockets)
PROFINET Certification
Dual Ethernet ports for daisy chaining network connections between multiple units
Two serial ports with secure screw terminal connectors
DualConnectPlus™ technology
SSL & SSH management, SSL serial data stream encryption