The RTL (Rotating Tool Lathe) is machining in the opposite way compared to other end working machines: the workpiece is fixed and the tool is rotating. You can clamp the pipe up to OD 323 mm from the end and start machining. No long setup time: just put the pipe in, clamp it, and machine!
RTL ZX has the same machining principle as Beaver CNC. However, in comparison to the Beaver CNC, RTL ZX is providing more accurate end results and faster cycle time per bevel.
Single point machining
End working or finishing of pipes, tubes, bars, or shafts can be challenging especially with longer tubes in terms of the set-up process and operation speed (RPM). During the process of pipe end preparation, the chuck or the centering device restrains to have the desired outcome. Clamping and positioning the tubes is crucial for accurate, fast, and repeatable applications.
Our solution is the RTL (Rotating Tool Lathe), which machines in the opposite way of traditional lathes: the tube is fixed and the tool is rotating. It speeds up the set-up process and allows you to machine round workpieces up to OD 323 mm. The most important feature of the RTL series is accuracy. While RTL Z is capable of finishing a workpiece between IT8 and IT10, RTL ZX can achieve even better accuracy that is between IT7 and IT9.
RTL ZX is suitable when:
The diameter range of the pipes need to be operated is 1” – 16” (33mm – 410mm)
The batches require different shapes or applications, CNC increases the flexibility
The accuracy needs to be within IT7 – IT9
Higher surface roughness quality is required