Practical and economical for cleaning filtering cartridges Applications: cleaning cartridges in the electrostatic powder painting sector, cleaning sanding filters as well as dust collectors in general. Other applications or variants are available on request. The cleaning of vehicle air filters and filtering cartridges in general without suitable tools is a difficult and unhealthy operation. The intervention performed without suitable equipment, produces the dispersion of large amounts of dusts into the work environment and in most cases leads to the filters being replaced when they could be re-used, with a large economic saving. To obtain these results, CORAL proposes an appliance that allows to restore the air filter quickly, economically and cleanly. Give the simplicity with which filters with "ECOFIL" can be cleaned, this operation can be performed often, thus restoring the maximum possible filtering efficiency and in the case of vehicle filters, obtain better engine operation, less fuel consumption and lower noxious emissions into the environment.