This type of filter risolves the problem of separation, transportation and simultaneously compactation of solids from liquids.
It is usually installed directly in a concrete channel.
The screen field is made of a curved perforated sheet of AISI 304, and retains the solids presents in the liquid. The solids collected on the screen field are wiped by a special brush fixed over the edge of the screw, on the filtering chamber. The screw, that has no shaft, permits to transport the screenings over the transportation chamber up to 35 degrees of inclination from the horizontal.
A compactation chamber, positioned before the discharging tube, compacts up to 50% of the volume of the screened material. Over request, for very heavy-duty screenings, it could be possible to install a washing system inside the filtering chamber.
The screenings are discharged over the upper part of the unit through a cylinder or rectangular discharging tube. The vantage of using a FC is to filtrate, transport and compact the screenings in a single unit. The FC has the possibility of cycling operation.
Screening, transport and compation in one machine, construction in stainless steel.
Civil discharges, cattle-breeding, slaghter-house, foodstuffs industries, processing of vegetables, fruits, meat, fish.