APM98 is simple to use, just place it on the pump and press the levers. APM98 is a manual crimping tool which we recommend only for sampling, and not production because it is not adjustable and not suitable for each shape of bottle, sometimes the geometry of a bottle, such as low neck, makes it impossible to crimp. Also, there is a spring crimping the pump over the bottle, not a jaw like in a real crimping head, so we cannot guarantee the tightening of the crimping result under the vacuum test. Diameters available: 13,15,17,18,20mm. You need to purchase one tool for each diameter you need.
Non adjustable manual crimping tool for micropump or aluminum cap crimping on bottles. APM98 is simple to use, just place the crimping head on the neck of the bottle, and press on the levers to crimp. Simple use and cost efficiency are this device main characteristics, ready every time, no need to adjust.