The two point full body harness SYRMA provides protection against falls from a height. Body support
designed to stop a fall, it distributes the forces left after the arrest of a fall across the whole body. * 2 fall
indicators on the back straps * Webbing: Polyester webbing width 44 mm * Attachment points: 2 fall
arrest attachments points: 1 dorsal D-ring and 1 sternal D-ring * Buckles: Pass-Through buckles *
Adjustments: Adjustable shoulder, chest and leg straps * Label protected by velcro cover with inspection
log for periodic inspection * Breaking strenght: > 15kN * Weight: 1,18 kg
ADVANTAGES : * Fall indicators * Adjustable shoulder straps * Shoulder and leg straps of different
colours * Protected label with inspection log
BUSINESS SECTORS : Construction - finishing work, DIY, Heavy & process industries, Infrastructure;
building industry, Light Industries, Maintenance, Regional/public authorities