Ironless Linear Motors
Construction & Features
Provides fost accélération with zéro cogging for high velocities, super-smooth motion and superior position control.
cpc linear motors are designed with overlapping coils to provide very high force density.
■ - cpc uses o vacuum-molding process to eliminote air bubbles from the finished epoxy mold. This results in a strengthened epoxy product with an enhanced lifetime.
» cpc linear motors are designed to have great dielecfric strength, resulting in highly stable systems.
» cpc linear motors are very efficient at dissipating waste heat. allowing handling of larger currents for increased power.
■ - cpc motor parameters. force constant refers to the amount of force produced per one ampere of cunrent, while motor constant is the force produced per Watt and is représentative of the motor's efficiency. As such the motor constant is a better metric at evaluating motor performance, cpc's linear motors have been designed with the aid of advanced simulation software.
As a resuit, for a given dimension cpc motors have a higher motor constant.
In a linear motor system, the slider. linear guide and base are ail paths of heat dissipation for the coil. Similarty.
cooling effects are also achieved by the natural air flow over the motor while it is in motion. The thermograph image on the right shows the overall linear motor system temperature distribution afterreaching thermal equilibrium. It is obvious from this that the heat from the coi is dissipated through everything it is in contact with. To ease estimation of the required heat sinking capacity,