DPPS Mini-Capsule Filters are bacteria retention filters consisting of two layers of Polyethersulfone (PES) membrane for the filtration of aqueous liquids where precision retention is the goal. The bioburden reduction prefilter and the sterilizing grade final filter each come in several pore sizes so you can configure the DPPS
Mini-Capsule product to meet your unique requirements based on bacteria size and load. The prefilter retains large amounts of bacteria and other particulates which can extend the life of final
filter, reduce changeouts and ultimately lower costs. The DPPS Mini-Capsule Filter is available in all devices (cartridge, capsule and mini-capsules), which are all made using identical
materials to ensure consistent results. Bioburden prefilter pore sizes range from 0.10 to 1.2 µm. Final filter pore sizes range from 0.03 to 0.65 µm.
The DPPS Mini-Capsule Filter’s low binding characteristics are well suited for filtering products with preservatives and protein solutions that can adsorb to media. These filters are flushed to remove manufacturing debris and reduce extractables. Products are 100% integrity tested. DPPS Mini-Capsule Filters are available pre-sterilized
Critical Process provides unrivaled delivery times, technical consulting before purchasing, and very competitively priced high-performance products. Our comprehensive testing & analysis and validation services support your team whenever they need it. Your process experts partnering with our filtration experts is how we deliver your company’s solution right the first time.