Key Specifications
Sensitivity: 50 mV/Pa
Dynamic Range: 12 dBA to 135 dB
Frequency Range: 4 Hz to 8 kHz ±2 dB
Headphones measurements - used in conjunction with a coupler
Audiometers measurements - used in conjunction with a coupler
IEC 61094 4:1995 Measurement microphones - Part 4
CRY3102 1 Pressure-field Prepolarized Microphone
CRY3501 1/2 IEPE Preamplifier
The CRY3102-S01 is a 1-inch pressure-field prepolarized measurement microphone and preamplifier set designed to be used in conjunction with a coupler chamber, particularly suitable for headphone testing and audiometer measurements.
The CRY3102-S01's distinctive design delivers remarkably low self-noise, making it an excellent choice for precise electroacoustic testing. Its superior accuracy and stability further establish it as a dependable tool for advanced acoustic research and development.