Kurtosis measures the frequency of large peak occurrences in a waveform. Kurtosis control allows the user to specify the target kurtosis of the random control signal, and the controller will adjust the amplitude distribution of the vibration to match the target. This is done with minimal effect on the frequency content and dynamic range. Possible kurtosis values are 3 - 10. Supports up to 512 input channels.
Kurtosis Control in Vibration Testing
Kurtosis control in the Spider Random test mode controls the amplitude distribution of the random vibration. With Kurtosis control, more realistic tests can be conducted that better simulate real-world environments.
In the real world many kinds of vibration environments are characterized by signals that have high kurtosis value (relative to Gaussian random). The fatigue and damage potential for these vibrations are higher than for a pure Gaussian replication of the environment. Hence using the traditional Gaussian random signal as the test signal will actually under test the product for its service environment.
Drive Notching/Limiting for Random
Limiting is applied to control or monitor channels. Three types of limiting are available in Random Control: frequency domain, time domain, and advanced limit. Frequency domain limiting is spectrum limiting. Limit types are notching limit, abort limit, and alarm limit.
Time domain limiting compares raw data or the RMS value of input channels to the high limit. The occurrence of exceeding the high limit is one of the system events to which desirable actions can be added.