The Spider MIMO Classic Shock vibration testing system provides precise, real-time, multiple shaker table control and analysis for transient time domain control. Up to 8 output channels (shaker) can be enabled for control with individual classical shock waveform defined for each control channel, alarm checking, and time data recording on master module. Up to 512 channels can be enabled for controlling/monitoring and time data recording.
Classical pulse types include half-sine, haver-sine, terminal-peak sawtooth, initial-peak saw tooth, triangle, rectangle, and trapezoid. The recording option records time stream data at the full sample rate on all input channels. Shock response spectrum analysis can be applied to any input signals.
Control Parameters
Sampling Rate: limits for shaker acceleration, velocity, and displacement
Time Block Size: 512 to 65,536 points
Average Number for Control: 1 – 4
Correction Rate: 0.0 to 1.0
Test Start Method: pretest runs with four excitation types: positive pulse, negative pulse, Random with close-loop control, Random with open loop. Pretest may be skipped with saved FRF’s
Reference Profile and Run Schedule
Control Channel: selection of control channel for profile editing
Use One Profile for All Control Channels: checkbox, same profile will be assigned to all control channel if checked
Shock Wave Types: half-sine, haver-sine, terminal-peak saw tooth, initial-peak saw tooth, triangle, rectangle, and trapezoid
Test Standards: MIL-STD-810F, MIL-STD-810G, MILSTD-202F, ISO 9568, IEC 60068, user-defined