Acoustic Testing for Reverberant Acoustic Test Facilities (RATF) or Progressive Wave Tubes (PWT)
Acoustic Control provides accurate control of high-intensity acoustic testing for Reverberant Acoustic Test Facilities (RATF) or Progressive Wave Tubes (PWT). Based on the Spider hardware platform, Acoustic Control achieves quick and reliable control of the noise level to the reference octave spectrum and the overall sound pressure level (OASPL). Included safety features guarantee the safety of the unit under test.
Test Parameters
The Acoustic control related test parameters can be user defined. Various test parameters Octave band, Low/Upper band and frequency lines, etc., can be configured to fine tune and optimize the Acoustic Control test.
Weighted Average Control Strategy
Multiple control and monitor channels can be configured in the input channel settings. Weight can be individually assigned to each control channel.
Octave Spectrum
The spectrum can be defined using the breakpoint table. While the target Octave table and reference octave spectrum can be derived. 1/3rd, 1/1 Octave spectrum are available for the profile definition.
Spider Vibration Testing Hardware
A Spider system can consist of one or more Spider vibration test controllers. The user constructs the system by combining Spider vibration testing hardware detected on the same LAN. The software validates and displays hardware attributes of each Spider vibration test controller. The following hardware is supported by EDM VCS software for vibration testing, monitoring, and data acquisition.