Fulfilling the demands of every unique application
In many countries throughout the world, good quality, industrial buildings with ample floorspace are in short supply. As a result, it is essential to make optimum use of every single cubic metre of storage space available – from the floor to the eaves - within each facility.
No matter how bulky, heavy or unusually-shaped the products that are being stored may be, CTI Systems always uses the most appropriate technology to design bespoke storage solutions that fulfill the demands of every unique application.
High-bay Storage Systems
While often a feature of new clad-rack building projects, high-bay storage systems can also be designed to operate within existing facilities. Solutions can be developed that are compatible with the physical dimensions of the customer’s site as well as the characteristics of the products stored within it. The aisles of high-bay storage systems are served by stacker cranes that access each storage position or picking location and can operate up to a height of 40 metres.
High-bay warehouses can – among other solutions - feature Honeycomb or Cantilever racking. Honeycomb storage is a proven solution at sites where long products are stored in depth and direct access to the product is required. However, depending on the product, Cantilever racking may represent the best option. Facilitating easy storage and retrieval of even the most complex or bulky materials of almost any length, Cantilever arms are connected to the upright sections of the racking structure to create the required storage levels.