DALGAKIRAN promises suitable, trouble-free and high performance for every kind of application with its PORTAIR series portable air compressors. Manufacturing and assembly of every single part of these compressors, in which latest engineering software is used during design and analysis phases, is realized considering international quality standards.
PORTAIR series portable air compressors are ideal solutions for the applications in construction, mining and naval engineering sectors.. These compressors, which are built with high endurance, quality and performance grades rotary screw blocks, offer long maintenance intervals, high performance, high airflow capacity and large gas tanks comparing to the competitors so that they can be used at any remote place where compressed air is needed.
PORTAIR series compressors are manufactured to be employed different areas of application without any performance loss. High performance and quality grade parts used in manufacturing and assembly of these products which are designed to make users in every level of experience easily adapt and learn, provide long maintenance periods and thus, low operating costs as a result.