VLT® dU/dt Filter MCC 102
• Reduces the dU/dt values on the motor terminal phase-to-phase voltage
• Positioned between the AC drive and the motor to eliminate very fast voltage changes
• The motor terminal phase-to-phase voltage is still pulse shaped but its dU/dt values are reduced
• Reduces stress on the motor’s insulation and are recommended in applications with older motors, aggressive environments or frequent braking which cause increased DC link voltage
• VLT® FC series family look
• Line voltage and filter current:
• * For higher power ratings, combine multiple modules.
• Enclosure ratings:
• IP00 and IP20/IP23 enclosure in the entire power range
• IP54 enclosure available up to 177 A
VLT® dU/dt filters are placed between the AC drive and the motor to eliminate very fast
voltage changes.The motor terminal phase-to-phase voltage is still pulse shaped but its dU/dt values are reduced.
• These filters reduce stress on the motor’s insulation and are recommended in applications with older motors, aggressive environments or frequent braking which cause increased DC link voltage.
• VLT® FC series family look